Print and (almost) play!
Here is a version of the goose game with some math for kids (from third grade upwards and adults who like to play).
WHAT YOU NEED (apart from love)
- download and print this board:
- get one token for each player (buttons, unless you periodically buy and colour wooden pieces just for occasion like this… it would be insane… don’t look at me that way!);
- find three six-sided dice.
1. the youngest player starts and then clockwise;
2. start from the helicopter in the upper left corner;
3. the player on duty rolls the three dice;
4. he/she has to choose two dice and add the values on the chosen dice;
5. she/he can move to the first cell with the result in the direction of the end of the path;
6. if there are no results available, he/she goes ahead one cell;
7. every time she/he obtains 7, he/she can use the value of the third dice to move his/her token forward;
8. whoever comes first to the last box wins … this first hand!
I roll 2, 3 and 6. I take 3 and 6, the sum is 9: I can move my token to the first cell with the number 9.
I roll 6, 6 and 6: I will not be able to do less than 12, but there are no 12 cell, so I move forward one cell.
(I’m preparing the subtraction board: let me know if you liked this!)